Nano GP


Ziebart Nano GP is a liquid (with nano technology) that absorbs into the pores of the paint so that it blends as soon as it is applied to the surface and can only be lost if it is polished using a compound. Compared to traditional wax, Nano GP gives a harder and thicker layer so that it provides protection against longer and stronger paint.

Ziebart Nano GP allows the surface to stay cleaner longer as dirt and grime will not stick to it. The super hydrophobic effect of the coating will cause water to bead up and roll of the surface along with any dirt and grime. Ziebart Nano GP also enhances gloss depth further on all painted surfaces for that wet look that is often hard to attain with synthetic waxes.

  • Super Hydrophobic Effect
  • Weather & UV Resistance
  • High Gloss Finish
  • Oxidation & Corrosion Resistance


Pada dasarnya Nano GP = Nano Coating Ziebart, namun berbeda medianya. Nano GP ditujukan untuk Motor (Sepeda Motor). Baik secara step by step pengaplikasiannya & treatment nya pun sama.

Apa saja benefit yang akan anda dapatkan?

  1. Melapisi seluruh bagian eksterior motor dan melindungi lapisan cat dibawahnya dari kontaminasi
  2. Cat motor menjadi awet dan senantiasa seperti baru
  3. Memberikan efek anti air dan anti minyak pada cat
  4. Menampilkan kilap cat yang maksimal
  5. Membuat permukaan halus dan licin
  6. Tahan pada noda organik
  7. Tahan pada cuaca ekstrem
  8. Kotoran mudah dibersihkan
  9. Tahan terhadap cairan pembersih
  10. Garansi 1 tahun


Nano GP available at :